Wage Calculator
(This is an Excel document)
- First off enter your projected income in the middle box.
- The areas highlighted in green are the ones you should enter the information.
- Enter any wage auction and or transfer bids you want to make. So long as you enter the correct details and the age of the player it will take into account signing on fee multiplier for different age groups and should calculate what your projected income will be.
** Note - It does not take into account any reduction for the Transfer Negotiation skill. I will probably update it so it does, for different skill levels, although as these are changing per season at the moment there's probably not much point. So for wage auctions you should enter the AF as it shows in the pop up box when you go to bid.
Could do with tidying up a bit but it seems to work fine for me.
The spreadsheet is locked but there's no password, so feel free to fiddle with it.
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