Sunday 15 August 2010

Oh Shit!

Wage auctions have gone epically bad and i've not really managed to sign anyone. I changed tact and went for players on the free agent list too but lost out on them too ! This wasn't especially helped by the fact I was away for the weekend and missed a couple of days of wage auctions either. I've punted in on a load of old free agents which should hopefully last a season or so and get me promoted.

I'd decided to configure email alerts for transfers and was checking these on the iphone while out with the GF. She was interested in knowing what I was doing, so I figured this it was about time to explain FML to her.

She was not impressed. I'm not allowed to play it any more, the other girls there were also deeply offended and they all seemed to have had some kind of bad boyfriend related FM experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Feel your pain my gf hates the game. Buy her a magazine some nights to keep her busy.. that works for me.
