Thursday 6 August 2009

Records breakers

Here's my hour on FM so far today:

I sold the remainder of my youth team last night. The main reason behind this was because most of my potential stars had left the club in other transfer deals and I decided there was no point keeping the rest as they were unlikely to make the grade. The second reason was most of them being unhappy with competition - my 21 year old DM is STILL unhappy with competition despite having a squad of 19 players and no one else who plays in his position *sigh* or maybe that should just be *si*

Anyway this isn't what has annoyed me. My youth team was in a Senior-Unranked reserve competition which had about 30 or so games left to go. I figured that these matches would just get abandoned now I had no squad left. I figured wrong, the AI decided to play my senior team in these games and we all know how bad auto resolves are for injuries!! Also I had previously sent round an email to the entrants asking them to stop playing their first team. To avoid being a bit of a hypocrite and to try and prevent injuries I decided to abandon all of these games.

But hey what's this ? I have a new club record for defeats in a row now standing at an impressive 11, formerly 4. Now I posted about this in the bugs forum several months ago about how abandoned games counted towards achievements and records! *si*

Moments after this, a challenge comes in for the Weekly Cup. Some moments later I get 2-shot-wondered out of the Weekly Cup.

Time for a league away game. 1-0 up with 83 minutes on the clock, pretty much in control and nothing happening. The other side have had 1 shot in the match so far and then the following happens:

(Lee Jones says:) (19:57:36)got a feeling this will be a draw
Gili Vermut scored 84'
(Other Manager says:)YEEEESSS (19:58:32)

Aguero is also injured until tomorrow.

I'll finish up with a screen shot of the other game I played:

Welcome to FML and enjoy the game you hate to love.


So a challenge comes in for the GWC from some dire looking team and off we go. What happens ? WHAT FUCKING HAPPENS A-FUCKING-GAIN. YES I GET FUCKING ONE SHOT WONDERED... I call it a shot, but it was a 40 yard punt where the ball rolled along the floor at about 3mph and my GK dived out of the way of it. Meanwhile I proceed to play the twat off the pitch only for his GK to get MOTM and him not to have another sodding shot in the whole match. IT IF HAPPENS JUST OCCASIONALLY, JUST ONCE OR TWICE I COULD TAKE IT BUT EVERY FUCKING TWATTING CUNTING TIME AGAINST SOME SHIT RETARD... JESUS CHRIST SORT THIS FUCKING GAME OUT YOU MORONS. Seriously, it's just an utterly pointless, meaningless result generator is this game.

I don't know, maybe my team are bottlers and can't take the pressure? I just beat some other guy 8-0 in the Super FA ? What the hell??

Anyone for a game of dice ??

The season is well and truly under way. Why oh why did I expect this season to be any different? Another night wasted.

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