First off, the first thing which has enraged me tonight is AI rights. I've challenged this guy about half a dozen times this season, I have challenged him 3 times today (knowing AI was about to be awarded tonight) and left the challenge in for 15 minutes, yet he refuses to play me ? But what's this ? He's won AI over me from sitting online for 15 hours a day. Makes sense, of course... I left some 'appropriate' feedback to reflect my feelings on this matter. (which appears to have been removed, I though it was accurate and fair) I made sure he had to wait the full 5 minutes after he started the game against me too. (He's near bottom of the league, I won 5-4 following some serious ME bullshit)
I played bottom of the league yesterday, he had 0 shots and drew 2-2, like you do. My GK threw the ball into his own net and my DC scored an own goal. He managed 1 shot in the last minute to make the match stats look less retarded. Then there's the match where some guy who had 10 men from the start put 4 past me...
I've most likely won the league like(of course..) but still..
What else is happening ? Well i'm on the GW of comedy it seems. First off some mod buys a shitty youth for 750k, then everyone goes off on one. Then, despite the transfer being totally legal and approved, the player is released to "set an example" of good transfer behaviour and the guy steps down as a mod, totally unrelated. Anyway, the other record breaking transfer, also at £750k also involves a mod, who to "set an example" puts him in transfer auction for £1, then sends a personal mail to the entire GW to advertise the fact he's "setting a good example"
Yeah, I really have no idea either...
Anyway, I was moaning about the lack of XTRA FA competitions lately. So I logged on the other day to find about 20+ competitions set up in the XTRA FA. On closer inspection this appears to be month long Super Man vs She-RA competition or some such bollocks. The GW has positively being crying out for such a thing! Anyway, some normal competitions appeared not so long afterwards, which all filled very quickly, alas none have started - i'm sure there's a good reason behind this...
Beta is going well, following my recipe for success. But check out this RS draft, it's NEVER going to happen like this on live but blimey, here's some talent for you: (the like's of Pato returned but didn't make the screenshot list!)
Rooney sold for £10m, Messi £13m, Ronaldo £9m, Aguero £10m
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